
Lots Of Turn Around In Web With Nofollow And Dofollow


sujit SEO BlogThese days lots of happenings comes in web industry.Digg introduces nofollow in several places of their site.Howcast changes its content publishing systems.

So lots of turn around with Nofollow content models taken by many sites.Key things about it they don't want to pass their own earn credits to other.

Talk about positive moves,not all things ends with a Nofollow tags; even such social sites gives you a lots of traffic & Visibility.
Commenting on nofollow blogs are worthless for SEO link building strategy but even you make use of it with a different way as.
Particpate In High Traffic Blogs and create generic comments It gives you Visibility over people comes on blog even they interact with you ideas and sites too.

Don't more bother for Nofollow blog commenting do few things:

- craete list of Dofollow blogs list
- Extract out Dofollow blogging platforms( e.g Xanga,Over Blog)
- Try out Dofollow blog directory (www.dofollowblogs.com)

Now you see commenting is so easy just go and try without making web spammy.

Posted By: Sujit Kumar Lucky


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