
Twitter Tweets Create, Manage, Track Using Excel


We are tweeting every time but forget to track which topic or site URL tweeted and how much referrals we got from them, which keyword is more likely by users, or how many followers we add in per Tweet . Several buzz arrived when you tweet without any managed work plan …

So here is a excel sheet which Do everything for you next time when you go for tweet …

Why managed Excel Plan Sheet for tweets:

Create tweet in proper manner using some quick excel functions.
Create Track of Every URL will be tweeted
Proper # Tag Management
Track of Referrals Using Google Shortner (goo.gl)
Validated Conditional Formatting in excel prevent to go over tweet character limit
Mange Time and Date Interval
Also Track The Tool Used to perform this activity
Scheduled Tweets For All project at One Place
Account information Management for Tweets
How many followers grows using the posted tweets
Explore which Tweet and hash tags generate more traffic and followers for your URL

What You Require to Do this:
  • Twitter Account
  • List of keywords used as Hash Tags
  • Ms Excel
  • Google Account to generate URL shortner which helps to track referral data
  • Twitter Tools used to deliver tweets

Some Mathematical calculation as :

Final Tweet = Tweets Text + Short URL + #keyword1 + #keyword2

(Final Tweet < =140)

Posted: Sujit Kumar Lucky


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